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60's-90's and Beyond Professor/Philosopher Stephen Gaskin, leading figure in the Golden Age of Peace, Freedom, Truth, Beauty and the Light and Lively chats with the Oracle maker Allen Cohen in an informal, zesty, uncut version. Faustin interviews when the screen of words becomes impenetrable. 1 Audio Cassette. #A495-92. $9.00
A Contactee Opening up to Other Realities 1 Audio Cassette. #A928-91. $9.00
A Conversation Between Faustin, Jean Millay and Dean BrownAbout Silver Threads: 25 Years of Parapsychological Work We had a far reaching conversation covering remote viewing, Sanscrit, physics, biofeedback, the times we live in from a parapsychological outlook, and what you might expect from reading the book. Jean Millay has been working with this material since the beginning of the blooming of the field. She has synthesized art, science, technology and family to the tune of her own shamanic drummer. Dean Brown has a mixture of education, physics, Sancrit and humor that draws the topics in his direction. An historical piece for those who are culture collectors. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1045-93. $10.00 1 Video Cassette. #V521-93. $35.00
A Conversation with the Science Fiction Writer at His Home in England We have been left out of this intelligent, thought-provoking man's life too long; visit him at his home near Banbury Cross. Faustin interviews, Brian records. 1 Audio Cassette. #A149-86. $9.99 1 Video Cassette. #V18-86. $35.00
A Visit With The Author of The Monuments on Mars. Faustin interviews, Brian records. 1 Audio Cassette. #A295-88. $9.00
Angels, Aliens and Anomalies - Interview with Faustin The interview reveals all the enthusiasm of the author, and offers the listener the excitement of his exacting research. 1 Audio Cassette. #A956-92. $10.00
Another Transition, One Foot In The Future This self possessed humorist freely offers the vast, sage benefit of her rich life. An insightful and daring woman who has organized wisdom in a style the listener will identify as unique. The interview is an intro to the book One Foot In The Future. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1003-92. $9.00 1 Video Cassette. #V446-92. $35.00
At Home Schooling : Further Details and TAZ 10/26/92 Parts of this interview appeared in Magical Blend Magazine. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1001A-93. $9.00
At Home With Bev and Frank Herbert The well-known author of the "Dune" Series. Faustin interviews, Brian records. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A40-83. $18.00
CyberArt and the Mandala System--V.R. Here! Creative innovations that allow you to dance in the Cyber world. The Mandala system in performance by its developers, backed up by Faustin and Brian. 1 Audio Cassette. #A701-90. $9.00
Dream Voyager and Lucid Dreaming Faustin interviews and has an interesting dialogue about brain machines and lucid dreaming. This tape contains a lucid dreaming exercise not needing equipment. 1 Audio Cassette. #A256-94. $9.99
E for Ecstasy This is about the reference manual of reference manuals...Alexander Shulgin put in an extensive bibliography. Look at the entry for the 50th Anniversary Psychedelics Conference to see and hear Nicholas Saunders. Look for the book of the same title. 1 Audio Cassette. #A2005-93. $9.00
Faustin Interviews Marsha Middleton 1 Audio Cassette. #A1048-92. $9.99
Fellini, Jung, and Yeats: At the Movies A unique and clever comparison of works and personalities. This visit became the foundation of an Esalen workshop that is still warping the Akashic Records. 1 Audio Cassette. #A9-87. $9.00
Flotation Tanks Founders of Samadhi Tank Co. talk about the history of flotation, their relationship with John Lilly, the floatation tank's inventor, and the potential that rest therapy has for modern work. 1 Audio Cassette. #A101-87. $9.00
From Space Time and Beyond to Eagles' Quest 1 Audio Cassette. #A863-91. $9.00
From the 60's to the 90's How it was and how it is. 1 Audio Cassette. #A611-90. $9.00
Future Plans 6/2/90 1 Audio Cassette. #A779-90. $9.00
Gossips Galore A terrific, outrageous person and a leader in the field of strong women, great interview. 1 Audio Cassette. #A2004-94. $9.00
Hot Wax! Faustin Interviews Ruby is a very funny expatriot doing to the English what Monty Python did to the US. Some of SOUND PHOTOSYNTHESIS' favorite characters are featured in one of her shows...including Faustin and Brian. 1 Audio Cassette. #A790-91. $9.00 1 Video Cassette. #V149-91. $35.00
Industrial Application of Connectedness Theory and Spirit Philosophical and practical work attitudes meet and enhance one another in this talk. This audio is presented in a 3 tape album of individual ground work tapes with Schechter and Andrews, each having experiential exercises within their tapes and the third tape the dialogue which merges each of their views. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1020-92. $10.00
Integrity in Leadership After recording the "Rekindling the Spirit in The Workplace" I felt we would benefit by an interview that could get to the particulars of rekindling our individual spirits in our workplace here at Sound Photosynthesis. I also wondered if his book, in manuscript form, had potential for publication. Well, the book should be published and this person can do what he talks about in a subtle and appropriate way. 1 Audio Cassette. #A781-91. $9.00
Interview and Science Fiction Poetry Readings Boston's reading of his own material along with original music by Alfred Rucker makes for enjoyable listening. 1 Audio Cassette. #A17-87. $9.00
Interview with Gaskin & Cohen: Of the Oracle "60's - 90's" and Beyond 1 Audio Cassette. #A322-92. $10.00
Interview with Helen In Her Home in Berkeley Casual, hospitable and informative. 1 Audio Cassette. #A398-88. $9.00
Interview With the Author of Storming Heaven Faustin Interviews, Brian records. 1 Audio Cassette. #A245-87. $9.00
Interview with the Filmmaker About water birthing. 1 Audio Cassette. #A244-87. $9.00
Interview with the Sage John Lilly says this philosopher-mathematician-metaphysician has had the greatest impact on his life of any man. Meet him, age 94, at his home. Faustin interviews, Brian records. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A154-82. $18.00 1 Video Cassette. #V21-82. $35.00
Interview: Stephen Gaskin Today 2 Audio Cassettes. #A399-88. $18.00 1 Video Cassette. #V335-88. $34.95
Interview: On the Road Again The two interviews take us back 20 years to the present. Who and whats down on the Farm, the trials and triumphs of community living. A lot of real wisdom, midwifery and general right living going on. 1 Audio Cassette. #A446-89. $9.00
Intrepid Aging and Self-Renewal An invigorating talk about some artist heroes. 1 Audio Cassette. #A8-87. $9.00
Irreverencies of the Times, Faustin Interviews Editor of the REALIST helps us get real in a gentle way. 1 Audio Cassette. #A768-90. $9.00
Island in Conflict (Earth): Product of Impact 1 Audio Cassette. #A868-93. $9.00 1 Video Cassette. #V540-93. $35.00
Joseph Campbell Tribute with Reference to "Goddess" Faustin interviews, and Brian records Dr. Charles Muses discussing the last work in progress of the reknown mythologist Joseph Campbell. TRT:40 1 Audio Cassette. #A272-88. $9.00
Just Say Meow! Lisa talks with Faustin on just about everything..... her body-building days, adopted dad John Lilly, her days with Mapplethorpe, government corruption, global issues..... and much more. A jam-packed tape! 1 Audio Cassette. #A663-90. $10.99
Khansahib Talking 1 Audio Cassette. #A319-88. $9.00
KHEPERU KA: Manifestation of Spirit 6 Audio Cassettes. #A942-92. $60.00
Knowledge by Identity and Revelation An inspiring, energized conversation between two people on the same track. 1 Audio Cassette. #A2007-94. $9.00
Legalization Possibilities and Medicinal Uses of Hemp & MDMA - BRIDGE PSYCHEDELIC CONF.1991 1 Audio Cassette. #A900-91. $9.00
Living in Community Alison Whitaker asks questions about the real concerns of the growing population needing to consider ways to share living space in harmony. 1 Audio Cassette. #A612-90. $9.00 1 Video Cassette. #V208-90. $35.00
Living In Partnership A visit to the home of the couple that coined the expressions "Partnership" and "Dominator Society" to see how it works. 1 Audio Cassette. #A404-89. $9.00 1 Video Cassette. #V128-89. $35.00
MegaBrain Neurotek Talk Faustin interviews, Brian records. 1 Audio Cassette. #A44-87. $9.00
Peace and the Work of the International Peace Academy Faustin interviews Ruth Young, founder of the International Peace Academy and co-founder of The Institute for the Study of Consciousness about the techniques of peace in contrast to the techniques of war. Major General Indar Jit RIKHYE speaks about his work with the Peace Academy and what he hopes will be the future on side B. 1 Audio Cassette. #A166-86. $9.00
Questions Rarely Asked (Faustin Interviews) The Partnership advocator is relaxed and personal - a rare interview. 1 Audio Cassette. #A403-89. $9.00
Reminesences and Future Projections Listen to this charming woman tell of her exploits in the years since the death of her husband, Aldous HUXLEY. 1 Audio Cassette. #A730-90. $9.00
Samhain (Halloween) Interview with Sound Photosynthesis Filled with recipes for rituals and enchantments. Witchcraft at its best. Faustin interviews, Brian Records. 1 Audio Cassette. #A705-90. $9.00
Sound Photosynthesis Asks ED The first in a series of interviews with Ed, arranged to shed light on the confusing political, social, and spiritual ramifications of a status quo approach to personal freedoms. 1 Audio Cassette. #A562-89. $9.00
Sphinx Interview In England 6/90 The Editor of Sphinx Magazine is a leader in the Jungian Movement. The British branch will be interesting to the international psychological community. The work of Hillman and Bly are focused upon within this group. 1 Audio Cassette. #A890-90. $9.00
Spiritual Revolution Faustin interviews the author of "War in Heaven", a channeled treatise on astral realities. Kyle says he's an extraterrestrial. His perspective is certainly unique. He'll make you think and that's all he says he really wants to do. 1 Audio Cassette. #A747-92. $9.00
Street Zen - The Life and Work of Issan Dorsey Randy M. Shilts writes " I think Issan's story contributes significantly to the history of the gay community and its response to AIDS, as well as to the history of Buddhism in America." 1 Audio Cassette. #A339-94. $9
Tele-view 10/28/91 1 Audio Cassette. #A887-91. $9.00
Telephone Interview A personal interview with a rough edge. 1 Audio Cassette. #A19-87. $9.00
The Art and Science of Conscious Healing Interview This interview covers enough of Laskow's work that one can clearly decide whether he is the healer for what ails one. An experiential is included and references to lab work that substantiates his claims to healing potentials. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1021-92. $10.00
The BladeRunner Talks: Psychology at the End of the 20th Century Author of several books and accomplished lecturer, Dr. Charles Ponce is embarking on a hypertext styled mapping of a multilayered perspective amalgamation linking psychological future history, historical present and what we can classify as past. He expresses innovative concepts offering inspiring possibilities for being the next millennium engine of creative interpretations. He is a truly kind man according to his wife. She should know. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1075-93. $9.99 1 Video Cassette. #V512-93. $35.00
The Connectedness Project Visiting dignitary has some new approaches to be considered. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1019-92. $10.00
The Geosphere Project & Resource Management--Faustin Interviews According to the late great curious physicist Richard Feynman, Tom Van Sant has created the largest and the smallest pieces of art on the earth. Van Sant's grand vision is now focused on the most accurate map of the Earth globe as photographed from the LANDSAT Satellite. A magnificent clear view of our cloudless planet has been National Geographic's atlas centerfold and in computerized form it is serving to aid world-wide organizational understanding and planning for a sustainable future. We highly recommend this tape, the project and the artist. 1 Audio Cassette. #A953-92. $9.00
The Guru Papers: The Mechanics of Control, Cults and Hidden Authority Some revolutionary ideas are presented in this recording. Diana Alstad is articulate, ready, willing and able to explain and defend hers and Joel Kramer's thesis as presented in their recently published book, The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1044-93. $9.00
The Ole Grey Matter Ain't What it Used to Be Lisa Lyon Lilly, the accomplished artist, body builder and adopted daughter of John Lilly, raps with Faustin about art, conspiracy theories, reprogramming the biocomputer, covert legislation, and everything in between. It's an ill wind that blows no minds; so take a ride on Lisa's wiggy rollercoaster of thought and let your brain blow in the breeze. 1 Audio Cassette. #A780-91. $10.99
The Potential Human - Faustin Interviews An early morning flash! Questions I have always wanted to ask Jeanne. We operate in parallel universes and finally broke through the interface. An ongoing dialogue. 1 Audio Cassette. #A981-92. $ 9.00
Twenty-first Century Goddesses Faustin interviews Zsuzsanna, who responds with hilarious, strong, current and bewitching anecdotes. This interview was done specifically for KPFK. Z., as she was called before assuming her full name, Zsuzsanna, for the 90's, is particularly popular in the Los Angeles area. Watch for new releases from this robust woman. 1 Audio Cassette. #A218-90. $10.00
What Happened to Biosphere 2? The real scoop about a magnificent project gone haywire. 1 Audio Cassette. #A873-94. $9.99
What is BladeRunner Psychology? Fans of the classic movie by the same name will be interested in this talk along with an entirely new slant on dreams. This interview appeared in Magical Blend Issue #43 and was aired on Pacifica Radio, KPFK. 1 Audio Cassette. #A2003-94. $9.00
Who's Getting Clipped by the Clipper Chip and How About Our Right to Privacy? 1 Audio Cassette. #A871-94. $9.99
Women and Drugs in Ancient Times Dr. Lenz is scholarly and entertaining. The ancient times location is the fertile crescent. 1 Audio Cassette. #A942A-91. $9.00 ![]() [ back to top ] |