TimeWave Zero
A detailed description of Terence's TimeWave concept and a demonstration of the software Terence originated in his early exploratory period of deep study with the I Ching, the ancient oracular Chinese Book of Changes. He proudly takes us on a biographical tour of our culture from his personal library in the early 80s to what he saw the TimeWave project to 2012. Terence describes the Time Wave as his "only original work". The first part of this piece is the first visual description of Terences unique theory. The second chapter of the tape astounds the viewer with the display of the the historical resonances that demostrate how the last 4000 years are compressed into the increasingly speeded up, drawn and sqeezed collective thoughts of the Gaian matrix. Terence partnered with Sound Photosynthesis media magician Brian Wallace at the editing helm to created the visuals that dance and spiral with Terences every sugestion. This densely edited piece is destined to become a top seller.
This is one of the most visually informative and insightful 23 minutes of tape youll find anywhere.
1 DVD. |
#Z73-06. |
$29.95 |
Sound Photosynthesis, POB 2111, Mill Valley, CA 94942-2111 USA
Tel: (415) 383-6712, Fax: (415) 383-6712, E-mail: Faustin Web: http://sound.photosynthesis.com