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A Calendar for The Goddess Recorded at Shared Visions. Goddess and moon directed. 1 Audio Cassette. #A229-87. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V39-87. $37.99
A Magical Journey: Including Hallucinogens and Culture, Time and The I Ching, and The Human Future Produced by TAP 1 Video Cassette. #V115-88. $50.00
Alien Dreamtime ALIEN DREAMTIME was produced as a live multi-media event in San Francisco, on the evenings of February 26 & 27, 1993. The performance is divided into three movements, each reflective of Terence McKennas ethnobotanical theories: Archaic Revival, Alien Love and Time Wave Zero. McKennas presence when combined with the entrancing visuals of Rose-X artists, featuring computer scientist/artist Creon Levit, and ambient techno improvisations by Space Time Continuum of Jona Sharp and digerdoo player Stephen Kent was described by Mondo 2000 as Spiraling vortexes, flowing from nowhere into your reptilian stem...mesmerizing, eroticizing.... Youll soon find yourself swept into the lush, viridian reality of ALIEN DREAMTIME. 1 Video Cassette. #V698-98. $29.99 1 Compact Disk. #D50-98. $16.99 1 Compact Disk. #DV10-98. $19.99
Aliens and Archetypes Do UFOs originate as psychic projections from our own minds? Terence McKenna is the author of Food of the Gods, Archaic Revival and True Hallucinations and co-author of The Invisible Landscape and Trialogues at the Edge of History. He is a leading thinker in the area of alternative realities. He suggests that regardless of their origin and material existence, UFOs are a challenge to the authority of science. Their chief function, he says, may be to offset the rationalist imbalance in our contemporary culture. TAP.TRT: 0:30 1 Video Cassette. #V143-88. $30.00
Angels, Aliens and Archetypes 1987 Symposium: Shamanic Approaches to the UFO, and Fairmont Banquet Talk Terence McKenna is a visionary anthropologist and author of many books starting with The Invisible Landscape and currentlyTrue Hallucinations. 1 Audio Cassette. #A251E-87. $12.99 1 Video Cassette. #V70E-87. $37.99
Beyond Psychology / Future Tools of Perception An urgent, heartfelt and impassioned plea from the synthesizer of MDMA is on one side of this tape, recorded in 1983, at UCSB, Psychedelic Conference and on the other Terence McKENNA makes his altered statesman debut address titled, "Beyond Psychology." An incredible combo...a collector's piece of media. 1 Audio Cassette. #A84-83. $11.99
Botanical Dimensions Terence briefs the listener on this invaluable conservation project of transplanting medicinal and hallucinogenic plants from the vanishing rainforest of the Amazon to his 9 acres in Hawaii so that they can be protected, researched and distributed. 1 Audio Cassette. #A478B-89. $10.99
![]() Conference on Botanical Intelligence Joan Halifax teaches in Europe, Mexico and the U.S., and is director of the Ojai Foundation. She is the author of Shamanic Voices and Shaman the Wounded Healer. 5 Audio Cassettes. #A926-91. $51.99
Coping With Gaia's Midwife Crisis This distillation of the "Shamanology of the Amazon" set features Terence harnessing his visionary train of consciousness to the planetary socio-ecological crisis, and pulling it out of the Dominator-Mind Rut back onto the Shamanic High-Way to planetary health. Inspirational for mystics and activists alike. 1 Audio Cassette. #A478A-91. $10.99
Dave, of "True Hallucinations" Recorded casually in South America in 1977. Experiment at La Chorera as told by "Dave." 1 Audio Cassette. #A60-77. $9.95
![]() Dreaming Awake at the End of Time Join Terence McKenna, author, explorer and philosopher for a think-along deconstruction of the deepening worldwide weirdness. With his characteristic hope and humor, McKenna examined time and its mysteries, the nature of language, the techniques of ecstasy, high technology and virtual cyberspace, the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanism and the evolution of human cultures, and the foundations of post-modern spirituality. The lecture and discussion was didactic, syncretic, challenging, eclectic, eidetic, and irreverent intellectual adventure - "for those who have grown weary of Moldevite suppositories and unicorny flimflam! A very full 2 hours awaits you in audio or video form. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1198-98. $20.99 1 Video Cassette. #V598-98. $36.99
![]() Ethnobotany A complete course GIVEN AT THE CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE FOR INTEGRAL STUDIES with a guest talk by Dennis McKENNA. 5 Audio Cassettes. #A174-84. $54.99
![]() Ethnobotany and Shamanism Around the world exploration. 6 Audio Cassettes. #A228-87. $61.95 4 Video Cassettes. #V38-87. $143.99
Evolving Times This evening address in Sacramento is one of Terence's funniest, in which much is said about monkeys, mushrooms, plants and people. The question and answer sessions get good and lively, with Terence's unique analysis of UFOs, governments and possible evolutionary pathways for us and the planet. Digitally recorded. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1200-95. $20.95 1 Video Cassette. #V418-95. $35.95
Experiment At Petaluma Ken Adams and Britt Welin collaborate as Rose*X to make visible the fantastic verbalization of Terence McKenna's imagination. "See beyond the cultural straitjacket of our current language... It is unlike any video you have ever beheld," says Will Knofke of Shared Visions. 1 Video Cassette. #V215-90. $34.95
Finale - BRIDGE PSYCHEDELIC CONF.1991 At the Bridge Conference...he gets the audience up and yelling with glee. 1 Audio Cassette. #A821-91. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V260.11-91. $35.00
Food of the Gods A radical history of plants, drugs and human evolution. McKenna's breakthrough work ends with a master plan for seriously seeking to come to terms with America's drug problems. The book examines why the "pursuit of happiness" is illegal if it involves plants found in nature and addresses the continuing furor over legalizing drugs. 1 Publication. #P72-92. $24.95 1 Audio Cassette. #A757-92. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V411-92. $36.99
FOOD OF THE GODS 2: Drugs, Plants and Destiny Recorded as a three camera shoot at the Whole Life Expo. Great talk and an update of the1992 tape of the same title. Total running time 1:24. 1 Video Cassette. #V509-98. $36.99
Forms and Mysteries: Morphogenetic Fields and Psychedelic Experiences With Terence's brilliant inspiration, this is Rupert at his very best. An awesome duo! 2 Audio Cassettes. #A327-88. $20.99 1 Video Cassette. #V101-88. $35.99
Global Perspectives and Psychedelic Poetics a sound horizons production, no longer available 1 Audio Cassette. #A106-94. $$16.95
Hallucinogens in Shamanism & Anthropology -BRIDGE PSYCHEDELIC CONF.1991 There is no mystery about the subject of this tape recorded at the Bridge Psychedelic Conference at Stanford Univ. Alison Queen Mu Kennedy does some fast talking when it becomes her turn...about venous creatures' psychedelic possibilities. TRT:1:39. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A807-91. $21.99
Hallucinogens in Shamanism & Anthropology Panel - BRIDGE PSYCHEDELIC CONF.1991 There is no mystery about the subject of this tape recorded at the Bridge Psychedelic Conference at Stanford Univ. Alison Queen Mu Kennedy does some fast talking when it becomes her turn...about venous creatures' psychedelic possibilities. TRT:1:39. 1 Video Cassette. #V260.6-91. $36.99
![]() High Lights from TRUE HALLUCINATIONS: The Underground Classic Talking Book A must for the Terence crowd. Hear the coming attractions for the whole TRUE HALLUCINATIONS journey up the Amazon, over the roof tops of Katmandu--truly a virtual reality experience. 1 Audio Cassette. #A423-84. $11.99 1 Compact Disk. #D22-2000. $15.99
Invisible Lanscapes Thoroughly revised, this early work by Terence and Dennis McKenna reveals the roots of the daring but disciplined speculations that prompted The New York Times to call Terence the Timothy Leary (and much more) of the discreetly psychedelic 90s, and Tom Robbins to proclaim him the most important and most entertaining visionary scholar in America. 1 Publication. #P405-98. $16.00
![]() Man and Woman at the End of History This seminar examined how one of the most fundamental human relationships, that between male and female, shapes our relationship to technology and ultimately to culture and nature. We looked at the forms of relationship between women and men in the shift from a society based on domination to one based on partnership. This is an exploration of how feminism, technology and the telling of a new story will contribute to rescuing us from history. Riane Eisler is best known for her scholarily authoring of her formidable book, Chalice and the Blade. 5 Audio Cassettes. #A225-90. $52.99
Medicinal Plants of The Amazon Nicole Maxwell, author of The Witch Doctor's Apprentice, fellow of the Royal Geographic Society, and world renowned expert on vegetable medicine has spent over 40 years in the Amazon, living with the Indians, gaining their trust, learning from them, and collecting the miraculous medicinal plants they've revealed to her. The botanical phamacopeia of the Amazon she describes in detail on this tape could revolutionize medicine if its value is recognized and the plants are protected from extinction. Hand in hand with Nicole's rigorously scientific reporting of her medicinal discoveries come wonderful stories of her life in the Amazon. 1 Audio Cassette. #A478C-89. $10.00
![]() Metamorphosis Join Rupert Sheldrake, biologist and originator of the theory of morphogenetic fields; Ralph Abraham, mathematician and leader in the new science of chaos; and Terence McKenna, shamanologist and ethnopharmacologist, as they trialogue on chaos and the world soul. A Hither Hills Production. 80 min. 1 Video Cassette. #V377-95. $36.99
![]() Mind & Time, Spirit & Matter: Blue Moon LECTURE, Santa Fe The Friday evening lecture. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A608-90. $20.95 1 Video Cassette. #V206-90. $36.99
Mind & Time, Spirit & Matter: The Complete Weekend in Santa Fe Packaged in a padded album, this edited set of eight audio tapes includes the Friday evening introductory lecture as well as the weekend workshop. Carmen Blue, of Blue Moon Vintage Books & Video, produced the weekend. Author and explorer, shamanologist and philosopher, Terence McKenna brought a unique perspective to the idea of a spiritual path for each of us and an impending total transformation of the human world. His far-ranging discussion included: the evolution of human consciousness as a response of Gaia, and the Gaia hypothesis of regulating the earth's ecology; a theoretical fluctuation in solar radiation; the participants' ideas of human attitudes toward the Other; DMT and his "machine elf" experiences; the mysteries of time; the nature of language; the techniques of ecstasy that have developed in non-Western societies to navigate to and from invisible worlds; and the depth of the general role of hallucinogenic plants in our world picture. 8 Audio Cassettes. #A444-90. $80.95 4 Video Cassettes. #V207-90. $145.99
Nature is the Center of the Mandala A new slant on an undying subject. 1 Audio Cassette. #A173-87. $10.99
New Dimensions With sounds that pass for music by Faustin BRAY and Brian WALLACE. The music was composed to accompany Terence's talk by remote viewing, and was a precursor to TRUE HALLUCINATIONS, the audio-illuminated manuscript as talking book. 1 Audio Cassette. #A82-83. $10.99
Non-ordinary States of Reality Through Vision Plants This one belongs in the wit man's sampler for psychologists. 1 Audio Cassette. #A413-88. $10.99
![]() Opening the Doors of Creativity October, 1990, in Southern California. A particularly fresh talk emphasizing the challenge of artistic creation. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A718-90. $20.95 1 Video Cassette. #V233-90. $36.95
Places I Have Been To name only a few, but what a phew! Goes to show you that it furthers one to have a place to go, and crossing the great water gives you good stories. 1 Audio Cassette. #A365-88. $9.99
Plants, Consciousness, and Transformation A two day workshop, April 8-9, 1995 in which Terence talks about a wide range of topics, including the evolution of consciousness, the role of psychedelics in prehistory, politics and his theory of the timewave. A very complete introduction to the latest thinking by this intellectual pioneer. Terence answers the questions: What are the psychoactive plants? How do they affect human consciousness? Why do they exist? Digitally recorded. 7 Audio Cassettes. #A984-95. $70.95
Plants, Visions and History Lecture This lecture was taped at the Whole Life Expo. That's the history of it. 1 Audio Cassette. #A324-89. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V175-89. $36.99
PROJECT Light Sculpture, Terence McKenna or Humphrey Chilton Earwicker, Whichever you prefer : CHAPTER 1 1 Audio Cassette. #A1220-2000. $10.99 1 Compact Disk. #D27-2000. $15.99
Psilocybin: Magic Mushroom Grower's Guide Forward by Terence, and a fine handbook for Psilocybin enthusiasts everywhere. 1 Publication. #P149-86. $16.95
Psychedelics Before and After History A rousing introduction to Terence's ethnobotanical and philosophical approach to life. 1 Audio Cassette. #A227-87. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V37-87. $36.99
![]() Sacred Plants As Guides: New Dimensions of the Soul A detailed rap for the Jung Society in Clairemont, California 3 Audio Cassettes. #A833-91. $31.99 2 Video Cassettes. #V273-91. $72.95
Seeking the Stone An eloquent perspective by Terence McKenna on the idea of a spiritual path for all and an impending transformation of the human world. In his singularly lucid, prosaic style, McKenna presents profoundly compelling ideas that challenge our beliefs and encourage our participation in the creation of a new social reality. He champions the individuals freedom of choice in deciding ones own sexual and spiritual development and techniques. He highlights the role of hallucinogenic plants in shamanic societies and their impact on the evolution of human cultures. See why this cyber-techno-shaman is drawing freethinking crowds wherever he speaks and find out what role you may play in the unfolding of our post-historical future as we approach a major concresence in human history. 1 Video Cassette. #V701-98. $35.99
Shamanism, Symbiosis and Psychedelics Workshop A two hour wowie zowie workshop to transport you to McKenna land, recorded at the Whole Life Expo. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A325-89. $20.99 1 Video Cassette. #V176-89. $35.99
Shamanism: Before and Beyond History - A Weekend at Ojai Deep sessions in a natural setting. The whole workshop: Metzner tells the ancient story of Gilgemesh and Enkidu, and his aspirations in the Gaia arena while dialoguing with shamanologically wired McKenna. 7 Audio Cassettes. #A332-88. $69.99 4 Video Cassettes. #V150-88. $145.95
![]() Shamanology The original rap that turned the trendy folks on to the jungle healers. 3 Audio Cassettes. #A83-84. $31.95
Shamanology of the Amazon Nicole the explorer swaps tales with mercury-minded Terence. The 7 1/2 hour tape set captures the humorous depth of this pair's expertise in a compilation of the full weekend, including Terence's rhapsodic overview of shamanism as the key for responding to our planetary ethno-ecological crisis. There's information about Botanical Dimensions (the project of conserving rapidly vanishing medicinal and hallucinogenic Amazonian plants). Terence also provides the philosophical groundwork for the weekend with a discussion of his view that we're approaching the end of history as evidenced by the destruction of the rainforests. Nicole, M.D. and researcher extraordinaire, discusses her pharmacopoeia of medicinal plants: contraceptives, abortifecents, menopausal aids, cures for arthritis, diabetes, hepatitis, terigia and all that wrapped up in a banana leaf of terrific stories. 5 Audio Cassettes. #A478-89. $52.99 4 Video Cassettes. #V192-89. $145.99
Shedding the Monkey -- At Shared Visions 1 Audio Cassette. #A785-86. $10.99
Speech at Sunshine Gardens Produced by Roy Tuckman. The title gives you a hint about this tape set. Dennis is quite scientific, does not exaggerate and gives many details. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A195-84. $19.99
State of the Stone '95 Recorded in San Francisco at the Whole Life Expo. Terence "preaches to the converted" and tries out his latest, strangest ideas on an appreciative audience. Digitally recorded. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1201-95. $10.99
The Archaic Revival "A cyclone of unorthodox ideas capable of lifting almost any brain out of its cognitive Kansas." --Tom Robbins Speculations on the psychedelic mushrooms, virtual reality, UFOs, evolution, shamanism, the rebirth of the Goddess...An explorer's notebook, a journey of travel through time and ideological space. A roadshow of new strains of thought--H\high Adventure, hallucinations and the secrets of the "Planet Soul." Many ideas shared in interview format and public talks are here transcribed for your eye. 1 Publication. #P71-91. $19.00
The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Introductory Lecture: The Philosophical Implications of Psychobotony - Past, Present and Future The introductory lecture of a weekend workshop. Recorded at California Institute of Integral Studies. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A395-88. $21.99 1 Video Cassette. #V122-88. $36.95
The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Introductory Lecture: The Philosophical Implications of Psychobotony: Past, Present and Future and The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Workshop: Psychedelics Before and After History Here is the complete workshop and introductory lecture over a three day span with Terence at the California Institute of Integral Studies. This is a most comprehensive adventure into the psychoactive garden of earthly delights with our globe trotting tour guide to the edge. 6 Audio Cassettes. #A396-88. $60.95
The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Introductory Lecture: The Philosophical Implications of Psychobotony: Past, Present and Future and The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Workshop: Psychedelics Before and After History Here is the complete workshop and The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Introductory Lecture: The Philosophical Implications of Psychobotony: Past, Present and Future over a three day span with Terence at the California Institute of Integral Studies. This is a most comprehensive adventure into the psychoactive garden of earthly delights with our globe trotting tour guide to the edge. 8 Audio Cassettes. #A394-88. $80.95
The Ethnobotany of Shamanism Workshop: Psychedelics Before and After History Here is the complete workshop and introductory lecture over a three day span with Terence at the California Institute of Integral Studies. This is a most comprehensive adventure into the psychoactive garden of earthly delights with our globe trotting tour guide to the edge. The tapes are 2 hours and 3 minutes each. 5 Video Cassettes. #V121-88. $175.00
The Grammar of Ecstasy - the World Within the Word Recorded in Maui over Memorial Day weekend. With Tom Ribbons (who wouldn't let himself be recorded). 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1203-95. $20.95 1 Video Cassette. #V469-95. $36.99
The I Ching or the Book of Changes This is the classical version that Richard Wilhelm translated from Chinese to German and Cary F. Baynes rendered into English. Forward is by Carl Jung. Joseph Needham in Science and Civilization in China, has called it probably the best translation available. 1 Publication. #P146-90. $19.95
The Light at the End of History The First Annual State of The Stone Address, at the Ford Theater in L.A. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A329-88. $20.99 1 Video Cassette. #V103-88. $36.99
![]() The Psychedelic Society The altered statesman at Esalen for the first time. He shocks, he astounds, he makes them laugh with his outlandish ideas. 1 Video Cassette. #V35-87. $36.95
The State of the Stone Address: Having Archaic and Eating it Too You didn't have to be there, we taped it for you. The first of a tradition. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A461-89. $20.99 1 Video Cassette. #V177-89. $36.99
![]() The Taxonomy of Illusion An Evening with Terence McKenna at UC Santa Cruz hosted by the student organization Millbrook West. Professor Ralph Abraham, the famous chaos theorist mathematician, informed and introduced Terence to the large bright audience. Taxonomy defined as classification, especially in relation to its general laws and principles; that department of science or subject, which consists in or relates to classification. Terence amusingly articulates by enumerating examples of the varied forms of illusions by which humans are entertained, intrigued and frightened. This talk is a particularily anecdotal way to approach the study of the imaginal, the illusive and anomalous. Terence McKenna, informs and delights his audiences through many media. As an accomplished author of more than four major works of fiction and non-fiction depending on ones belief system; voice of at least three hundred audio and video titles; and participant in numberous popular CDs, Terence is infiltrating the mind at large with his outlandish theories at an alarming pace. This talk is presented in a two audio cassette album, #A1050-93 or in a 120 minute video, #V500-93. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1050-93. $21.95 1 Video Cassette. #V500-93. $36.99
The Vertigo at History's Edge A random walk culminating in chronological order to equip the participants as purveyors of a world vision hence forth McKennaized as the Archaic Revival. This could be in the great synopsis hall of fame. At Shared Visions. 4 Audio Cassettes. #A366-88. $41.99
![]() The Vertigo at History's Edge: Who Are We? Where Have We Come From? Where Are We Going? A random walk culminating in a chronological order to equip the participants as purveyors of a world vision hence forth McKennaized as the Archaic Revival. This could be in the great synopsis hall of fame. At Shared Visions. 3 Video Cassettes. #V111-88. $106.99
This World ...and Its Double A full day excursion into the questions he explores with unequaled imagination, where is life carrying us? What is the nature of that other world which co-exists with this one? What is the role of shamanic plants in shaping our consciousness? Hear WHAT IS TIME ALL ABOUT--The brief interval we call life: between the Unknown and the Unspoken. TRT 1:36. 1 Video Cassette. #V504-93. $36.99
This World ...and Its Double ....Double A TIME WAVE A full day excursion into the questions he explores with unequaled imagination, where is life carrying us? What is the nature of that other world which co-exists with this one? What is the role of shamanic plants in shaping our consciousness? Hear WHAT IS TIME ALL ABOUT - The brief interval we call life: between the Unknown and the Unspoken. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A640-93. $20.95
TimeWave Zero A detailed description of Terence's TimeWave concept and a demonstration of the software Terence originated in his early exploratory period of deep study with the I Ching, the ancient oracular Chinese Book of Changes. He proudly takes us on a biographical tour of our culture from his personal library in the early 80s to what he saw the TimeWave project to 2012. Terence describes the Time Wave as his "only original work". The first part of this piece is the first visual description of Terences unique theory. The second chapter of the tape astounds the viewer with the display of the the historical resonances that demostrate how the last 4000 years are compressed into the increasingly speeded up, drawn and sqeezed collective thoughts of the Gaian matrix. Terence partnered with Sound Photosynthesis media magician Brian Wallace at the editing helm to created the visuals that dance and spiral with Terences every sugestion. This densely edited piece is destined to become a top seller. This is one of the most visually informative and insightful 23 minutes of tape youll find anywhere. 1 Video Cassette. #V73-95. $29.95
![]() True Hallucinations A complete "talking book"- an audio illuminated manuscript. The voice that launched a thousand trips...with outrageous, incredible effects! Authentic sounds from the Far South and East! Eclectic music! 9 1/2 hours of listening insanity! For UFO enthusiasts! Where the mushroom recipe came from; an adventure that will give your mind itchy feet! 8 Audio Cassettes. #A81-84. $79.95 1 Audio Cassettes. # P181-93. $16.00 9 Compact Disks. #D23-2000. $99.99
TRUE HALLUCINATIONS Book Debut and LECTURE Being an Account of the Authors Extraordinary Adventures in the Devils Paradise says the book jacket and so it is. This tale previously told on audio illuminated manuscript, otherwise called cassette recording, had been an underground classic for almost ten years before being committed to the printed page. This was a reading, a celebration of the publishing dream that Terence and SOUND PHOTOSYNTHESIS held since their joining efforts in 1983, and the beginning lecture of the weekend workshop to follow. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1051-93. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V501-93. $36.99
True Hallucinations Workshop 8 Audio Cassettes. #A1051W-93. $82.00 3 Video Cassettes. #V501W-93. $109.99
![]() UFO: The Inside Outsider DAT Recorded at the UFO Expo in LA. New material from Terence and UFO fans. The McKenna brothers came into our lives by way of a story telling session just preceding an ayahuasca event that took place down a remote dirt road in the jungle of Ecuador. But that's another story. "Following Bracewell, Terence amusingly suggests, we are in the phone home influence of a kind of attractor from the future that is literally sucking biological time into something else." He says we are furtively searching for a suitable metaphor to explain what he calls the transcendental object at the end of time. This is a full circle tape, we started recording Terence when he spoke about this topic ten years ago and what a long strange trip it has been. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1052-93. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V478-93. $36.99
Understanding & the Imagination in the Light of Nature, Part I The beginning of the momentum that is sweeping the backyards of our minds to this day. Each tape of this two-day event is intriguing on its own, but the gestalt is irresistable--order Parts I and II together and they will be delivered in a packaged album.00 2 Audio Cassettes. #A230-87. $20.99 1 Video Cassette. #V40-87. $36.99
Understanding & the Imagination in the Light of Nature, Part II A particularly articulate exposition including the internal DMT experience. 1 Audio Cassette. #A231-87. $10.99 1 Video Cassette. #V41-87. $36.99
![]() Victorian Tales of Cannabis A fully orchestrated production conceived by Faustin and Brian of Sound Photosynthesis of stories by Bayard Taylor, Louisa May Alcott and other Victorian period writers audio animated that will surprise and delight you. Terence reads the male voice and Kat reads the female story line and they are accompanied by an audio illuminated full cast of characters. Artfully album contained. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A462-89. $20.99 2 Compact Disks. #D24-2000. $29.99
Voynich Manuscript, Faustin Interviews The word wizard casts spells upon spells during the BOOK REVIEW SERIES with Faustin and Brian in Mill Valley. Pandora's box of bizarrities unleashed. 1 Audio Cassette. #A13-83. $9.99 ![]() [ back to top ] |