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A Lindisfarne Symposium Spring Series 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107F-95. $9.99 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107E-95. $10 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107H-95. $9.95 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107i-95. $9.95 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107J-95. $9.95
A Lindisfarne Symposium- Complete Series Winter Series 24 Audio Cassettes. #A1107K-95. $240
A Lindisfarne Symposium: The Evolution of Consciousness Through Literature 8 Audio Cassettes. #A1107-95. $79.95
At the Edge of History 1 Publication. #P94-92. $15.95
Coming Into Being : Artifacts and Texts in the Evolution of Consciousness A fascinating vision of our past, our present, and our future that no one will want to miss... 1 Publication. #P200-96. $30.00
Cultural Evolution by Association (Faustin Interviews) William Irwin Thompson is the Lindisfarne Scholar of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. He was a professor of Literature at MIT and has taught at Cornell, Syracuse, the University of Hawaii, and the University of Toronto. Thompson is the author of sixteen books, was nominated for the National Book Award in 1972, and received the Oslo International Poetry Festival Award in 1986. He left university teaching in 1972 to found Lindisfarne Association in order to explore the new planetary culture in fellowship of artists, scientists, and contemplatives. He is a brilliant cultural critic and presents a picture of the evolution of consciousness that is unmatched in the breadth of its scope and the depth of its detail. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1043-93. $20.00
Dialogues with Lindisfarne Fellows Series. A Lindisfarne Symposium An on going series of dialogues between WIT and other Lindisfarne Fellows composed of the general format of WIT making an introduction and then the featured speaker relating to whatever the relevence of their work is to the cultural expansive ideas that the Lindisfarne Fellows are celebrating in association. John and Nancy Todd, Ralph Abraham, Michael Murphy, Hazel Henderson and W. Brian Arthur are included. 8 Audio Cassettes. #A1106-95. $79.95
Dialogues with Lindisfarne Fellows Series. A Lindisfarne SymposiumLiving Machines & Biological Strategies for Environmental Remediation John and Nancy Todd, ecologists, directors of the Center for the Restoration of Waters, Falmouth, Massachusetts and authors of From Eco-Cities to Living Machines. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1106A-95. $9.95
Human Evolution and the Re-orchestration of the SensoriumThe Transformations of Culture Lindisfarne Lecture Series II Part D 6/17/94 2 Audio Cassettes. #A637D-94. $19.95
Individuation and the Confrontation with Death: A Consideration of the Gilgemesh Epic Part three of eleven- Text: The Gilgemesh Epic, Trans. N.K. Sandars (Penguin Classic: London, 1960). 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100C-93. $20.00
Islands out of Time Out of print - we may be able to locate this. 1 Publication. #P95-92. $19.95
Prehistoric Sculpture: The Imaging of the Body and the Shaping of Consciousness Part two of eleven- This recording was produced with excerpts from a casual recording by a participant, Joan Marlor. We included it in this group because it was the only one available and the material was too good to leave out. Text: Marija Gimbutas, The Civilization of the Goddess (Harper/Collins: San Francisco, 1991). 1 Audio Cassette. #A1100B-93. $10.00
Prehistoric Sculptures: The Body as a Story of Time: A Lindisfarne Symposium 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107B-95. $9.95
The American Replacement of Nature 1 Publication. #P93-92. $20.00
The American Replacement of Nature & Reimagining Nature Sound Photosynthesis meets William Irwin Thompson. A deep admiration for this man's work has motivated us to go to great lengths to record him and present his work in as many places as possible. This talk was given at Black Oak Bookstore and the video is a rare one because WIT does not like the medium. The tape title reflects two of his book titles. 1 Audio Cassette. #A778-91. $10.00 1 Video Cassette. #V346-91. $35.00
The Arithmetic Mentality at the Threshold of the Shift to the Geometrical: A Comparative Look at the Babylonian Enuma Elish and theRig Veda Part four of eleven- Texts: Alexander Heidel, Babylonian Genesis ( University of Chicago. 1965). The Rig Veda, Trans., Wendy Donniger O'Flaherty, Penguin Classics (London, 1981) 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100D-93. $20.00
The Climax of the Atlantic-Dynamical Mentality and the Shift to the Biospheric-Morphological Mentality Part eleven of eleven- Texts: James Joyce, Finnegans Wake (Viking, New York, 1959); W.I. Thompson, "Gaian Cosmologies" in Imaginary Landscape (St. Martin's, New York, 1989), Stanislaw Lem, Solaris (Harcourt Brace, New York, 1987). 1 Audio Cassette. #A1100K-93. $10.00
The Climax of the Geometrical Mentality and the Recovery of the Cosmic Feminine: A Consideration of Dante's Paradiso Part nine of eleven- Text: Dante, The Divine Comedy, bilingual edition, trans. Allen Mandelbaum (Bantam Classics, New York, 1982) 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100I-93. $20.00
The Course of Literature and the Evolution of Consciousness: An Introduction and Overview: A Lindisfarne Symposium 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107A-95. $9.95
The Cultural Ecologies of ConsciousnessThe Transformations of Culture Lindisfarne Lecture Series II Part E 6/24/94 2 Audio Cassettes. #A637E-94. $19.95
The Cultural Ecologies of Human Evolution: Riverine, Mediterranean, Oceanic The Transformations of Culture Lindisfarne Lecture Series II Part C 6/13/94 2 Audio Cassettes. #A637C-94. $19.95
The Cultural Ecologies of Human Evolution: Forest, Savannah, Riverine The Transformations of Culture Lindisfarne Lecture Series II Part B 6/10/94 1 Audio Cassette. #A637B-94. $9.95
The Cultural Evolution of the Astral Plane and the Articulation of Death and Psyche Part eight of eleven- Text: Christ's "Harrowing of Hell" in the Apocryphal "Gospel of Nicodemus" ; Apuleiu's The Golden Ass. trans. Robert Graves (New York: Noonday Books, 1951.) (2) Audio tapes 125 minutes. 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100H-93. $20.00
![]() The Evolution of Consciousness Complete Set This whole set is composed of the entire course at California Institute of Integral Studies. Each week is available seperately and the album price allows for two free tapes. This collection includes the evening introductory talk, the complete course titles Evolution of Consciousness and Dr. Thompson's interview and evening lecture specifically relating to his book The American Replacement of Nature, in which he surveyed the post-history of consciousness in the media politics of Reagan and Bush, Disney World and virtual reality. This whole album is a survey of the evolution of consciousness from one edge of history to the other. 22 Audio Cassettes. #A1100-93. $200.00
The Evolution of Consciousness: A Literary Overview During this last meeting of his eleven session course at the Institute of Integral Studies,Thompson concluded his interpretation of the evolution of consciousness by drawing prehistory to post modern starting with Marija Gimbutas' archeological work in ancient Europe and concluding with Gustav Lem's science fiction work. In The Time Falling Bodies Take to Light, William Thompson explored the prehistory of consciousness. In his recent book The American Replacement of Nature, he surveyed the post-history of consciousness in the media politics of Reagan and Bush, Disney World and virtual reality. TRT - 114min. 1 Video Cassette. #V417-93. $35.00
The Evolution of Consciousness: An Overview Part 1 of eleven- William Irwin Thompson, noted author, recipient of the Oslo International Poetry Festival Award, and founder of the Lindisfarne Association in New York City presents The Evolution of Consciousness Series . Texts: W.I. Thompson, "The Four Cultural Ecologies of the West" in Pacific Shift (Sierra Club Books: San Francisco , 1986). "Rapunzel: Cosmology Lost" and "A Cultural History of Consciousness" in Imaginary Landscape: Making Worlds of Myth and Science (St. Martin's Press: New York, 1989) 1 Audio Cassette. #A1100A-93. $10.00
The Geometrical Mentality and its Division of Time and Eternity, Body and Soul, Male and Female: A Consideration of Plato's Timaeus Part six of eleven- Text: Plato's Timaeus, trans. Desmond Lee, (Penguin Classics, London, 1965). The development of folk song into literature in Sumerian poems of the love cycle of Inanna: Queen of Heaven (New York: Harper/Collins, 1983). 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100F-93. $20.00
The Hero versus the Initiate in the Masculine Encounter with Death: A Comparison of Osiris and Gilgamesh: A Lindisfarne Symposium The author, artist and priestess Enheduanna is introduced as the first authorby presenting Exaltation of Innana through the folk tale of Gilgamesh - Ishtar/ Inanna is the goddess of sex and death. Female is the world of cyclicity and return. Archetypal. Innanas descent into the Netherworld is predominent. 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107D-95. $11.95
The New Dynamical-Atlantic Mentality Part ten of eleven- Texts: Descartes' Meditations, Cervantes' Don Quixote, Shakespeare's King Lear, Goethe's Faust, and Melville's Moby Dick 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100J-93. $20.00
The Prehuman Evolution of ConsciousnessThe Transformations of Culture Lindisfarne Lecture Series II Part A 6/3/94 1 Audio Cassette. #A637A-94. $9.95
The Shift from the Arithmetic to the Geometrical Mentality Part five of eleven- Texts: Richmond Lattimore, Hesiod (Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1959). Aeschylus, Oresteia, trans. Richmond Lattimore (Univ. of Chicago, 1953). The Bhagavad Gita, trans. Juan Mascaro (Penguin Classics. London, 1962). 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100E-93. $20.00
The Split Between Center and Periphery, Savagery and Civilization, Self and Other, Body and Psyche, Male and Female, Empire and Ecology: A Consideration of the Archetypal Couples of Samson and Delilah, Jesus and the Two Marys, Dido and Aeneas Part seven of eleven- Texts: The Bible, King James Version; Virgil's Aeneid . 2 Audio Cassettes. #A1100G-93. $20.00
The Story of Inanna and Dumuzi: From Folk-Tale to Civilized Literature: A Lindisfarne Symposium 1 Audio Cassette. #A1107C-95. $9.95
The Time Falling Bodies Take To Light A magnificent book! A sequel will follow soon. Meditate on the poetry of the title. 1 Publication. #P97-95. $13.95
![]() The Transformations of Culture Lindisfarne Lecture Series II For the past thirty years William Thompson has been working on a project in cultural history that attempts to understand the contemporary transformation of consciousness and culture that we are living through by reaching out for models and myths taken from a study of the dynamics of cultural change in the past. The diachronic mode of this lecture series expresses an unfolding of literary and mathematical modes of narrative that embody specific mentalities that are themselves embedded in distinct cultural ecologies. 8 Audio Cassettes. #A637-94. $79.99 ![]() [ back to top ] |